C. 1760s Yellow Night-gown Handbook



C. 1760s Yellow Night-gown Handbook

By Michelle Barker

174 pages, 11″ × 1/2″, complete bibliography

ISBN 978-1-83975-801-0


Often, people who recreate period garments want to see interior shots of construction. This book, is full of high resolution pictures of the outside, interior armhole pictures and even pictures showing individual stitches, along with helpful hints of how to use modern fabrics to reproduce the gown. Of coarse, the pattern is included but it goes so much beyond that with minor points about how to deal with the raw edge or weather to knot or not to knot your thread. A whole chapter is devoted to evolutionary changes as the gown was adapted to keep up with the fashions from the it’s original state, into the 1750s and finally into the 1760s. The last chapter in the book discusses the class of person who would wear such a gown.

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