A riding shirt requires 2 – 2 1/2 yards of fine white linen or even finer linen & a ruffle which requires a quarter yard of fine linen or muslin (muslin is recommended if using fine WLG 113 linen). A less expensive fine linen for these ruffles could be used for shirt or ruffles.
Notions required include a spool of 60/2 white linen thread, 4 thread buttons for 2 on the collar & 1 on each wristband. However, sleeve buttons would likely be far more common on the wristbands. The pattern allows for either wristband option.
Three options are given for the collar closure. One is made like a preadolescent boy’s shirt with a ruffle around the collar closed with a 1/4 yard of 1/2″ black silk ribbon.
The next option is to wear a stock like a gentleman with a ruffled bosom slit. The tabs for the stock may be made using the left over scraps from the body of the shirt. The center, gathered part of the stock requires about a 1/2 yard of fine linen. The stock closes in the back with a 4 prong stock buckle.
The 3rd option is to wear a cravat (also called a neck cloth) which requires 2, 60″ long strips of fine linen but may be cut & pieced from a 45″ piece if desired.